Friday, May 11, 2012

Tri-Service Academy Annual Golf Tournament

 Tri-Service Academy Annual Golf Tournament

Save Monday, June 18th as an open date on your calender!
Kickoff time will be at 0800 hrs, for a shotgun format golf outing.  This year, were having it at the Eisenhower Golf Club

  • members are $50
  • Active Duty Military/DoD Civilians/Reserve are $75
  • Civilians are $100
Lunch is an additional $15.

Sign-up and Mail-in Forms , along with the Prizes and Rules can be found by clicking here.

Any questions on the event can be answered by contacting Joel Martin: 912-222-9250,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

2 Grads taking on Colorado Trail

Anyone In Colorado willing to support and encourage 2 grads?

West Point Class of 1970 has a continuing campaign to donate to the National Conference on Ethics in America. Two Grads, (USMA 1970 Cadet Company E2) Whit Wise and Dave Schroeder have decided to hike the Colorado Trail (from June 17 through July 26, 2012), which runs from Waterton Canyon just west of Denver across the mountains and ends in Southwest Colorado at the town of Durango. It is almost 486 miles long and runs as high as 13300 feet in elevation. They also plan to hike to the top of one or two 14000 foot peaks which lie near the trail. 4 Grads  (E-2 members) have pledged up to a dollar per mile for the total miles completed by Whit and Dave, meaning a commitment of up to $1000 if (actually, when) they both complete the hike. Injuries, accidents, illness, weather problems, lack of commitment and possibly wild animals are the only things standing in their way. 

Please consider signing this pledge form to contribute to the ongoing USMA 1970 NCEA Fund Raising Campaign:

2012 NCEA Colorado Trail Hike Pledge Form