Thursday, September 6, 2012

VP2H Needs your Help - PASS THIS ON

As some of you know, a few of the members of the Denver society, along with a number of very talented volunteers have been working hard over the last six months to pull together a huge project in support of wounded veterans.  Veteran’s  Passport to Hope (VP2H) primary mission is to raise awareness about the issues today’s veterans are facing along with raising money to support their transition back to civilian life.

Why are we involved?  Some of us are from the Vietnam generation.  That generation of brave Americans were treated terribly upon their return and were soon forgotten.  Thank God that we are wiser today and can separate politics from our warriors.  However, as we have exited Iraq and will soon exit Afghanistan, the American people will go on with their lives and quickly forget about the sacrifice these brave men and women have made.  We have very short memories. It is already starting to happen. VP2H is committed to not letting that happen.

What can you do to help? We need you to buy a ticket (or two) to our event on 10/4.  Even if you are out of state and can’t attend, buy a ticket anyway and we will find a veteran to fill the seat in your name (just inform us in the Comment Section to this blog).  The ticket price of $78 includes food, drinks, entertainment, silent and live auctions and an incredible key note speaker that will move all attendees as he recounts his tragic loss of both legs to an IED and his incredible journey of recovery. 

Please check out our website to learn more and purchase tickets at